Ms. Kim’s Timeout For Reading Book Club
Promote Continuous Reading

Ms. Kim’s Timeout for Reading is a literary initiative, launched in March 2018 at Thompson Elementary (Houston, TX), with the goal of encouraging kids to develop a love for reading.

Thompson Elementary is one the places that DeAndre has some of his fondest childhood memories. While visiting the kids in the Fall of 2017 after Hurricane Harvey, he and his mom noticed the lack of books and resources in the students library. Immediately, they decided to make the schools library a place that the kids enjoyed and wanted to spend time and explore.

In addition to enhancing the library resources for the students, Ms. Kim’s love for reading inspired them to start a book club to promote continuous reading by giving the kids incentives throughout the year for books completed.

The Time Out to Read event has Thompson’s students excited about reading! They are reading the books provided by DeAndre and logging their reading time. DeAndre Jordan has helped us help our students to see the importance of reading for life!
— Tanya Edwards, Principal